Comunications systems  

Prerequisites Basic knowledge of "Signals and Systems" and of "Propagation and Antennas" Objectives To analyze telecommunication systems and their supported services; to understand how to dimension the most important telecommunications systems. Program 1- Model of a communication system. Analog to Digital Conversion (PCM). Time Division Multiplexing (TDM); TDM-PDH and SDH hierarchies. 2- Baseband transmission: line codes; noise models; intersymbol interference; error probability in baseband transmission systems; eye pattern. 3- Modulated transmission: digital binarymodulations (ASK, FSK, PSK); digital M-ary modulations (M-PSK and M-QAM). 4- Digital microwave links: frequency plans; free space propagation; influence of the earth's surface and atmosphere; ITU-R recommendations; project of a microwave link. 5- Introduction to satellite communications: satellite link characteristics,link power budget, multiple access techniques(FDMA, TDMA, CDMA). 6- Introduction to optical communications: elements of an optical link, transmission windows,fiber structure, attenuation, distortion, fiber types, optical sources, receiver structure, project of an optical link. Evaluation Methodology 50% continuous evaluation / 50% non-continuous evaluation Cross-Competence Component 1- Teamwork: labs and project executed with groups of 3 students. 2- Written communication: writing of the project report, whose evaluation will have a weight of 20% in the final project grade. 3- Critical thinking: justification of the technical choices taken during the project development, and whose evaluation will have a weight of 50% in the final project grade. Laboratorial Component Three laboratory sessions, in groups of 3 students, with evaluation at the end of the session through a multiple choice questionnaire. Programming and Computing Component Do not apply. More information at:
Comunications systems

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